A Special Offer From Morry Zelcovitch-world top brainwave wave entrainment expert

For 7 Secrets to Happiness Customers Only

Morry's Story

"As a child I had many problems ranging from thousands of voices in my head to severe depression. I also had a very big mouth, was always getting into trouble and almost unbelievably accident prone (I have dislocated/separated my shoulders alone over 150 times, I won't even get into the myriad of broken bones, shredded tendons and ligaments, concussions, etc.) 

As a matter of fact I remember thinking up the phrase "life is but a disease, for which there is no cure but death". I often thought about how great it would be, to be...­ not here anymore, not anywhere anymore. 

Something inside me made me start looking into this field when I began to notice that sometimes time seemed to move faster and more pleasantly than other times. I eventually made the connection that when time seemed to move quicker, the sounds I was hearing were more, rhythmic in nature and when time seemed to painfully stand still, the surrounding sounds were far more disjointed in nature. 

All of this started me on a 15-year odyssey of research into the field of "brain wave entrainment"  After many years of using other people's products with some limited success, I was determined to figure out why these recordings seemed to work but only in a minor way, with little effect, when all of the research I read suggested the effects should be more dominant than what I was experiencing. 

I decided that my best route to understanding might be by learning at the feet of an expert in the field. So I ended up contacting the world's foremost expert in the field of brainwave entrainment and learned invaluable information that could not be gotten anywhere else.  

I was trained and now I am one of the few in the world who actually can claim to be a "Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer"- and I have the education to back it up! 

Now I want to help others to be all they can be naturally." 

The Following are two of morry's best meditation recordings that combine morry's famous "The Morry MethodTM" brainwave  entrainment technology with meditation and hypnosis techniques.

As a customer of 7 secrets to happiness, you get a huge discount on one or both of these meditation recordings.

Whole Brain Gratitude Meditation
(Normal Price: $147)
7 Secrets to Happiness Customer Special: $47

It doesn't matter if you watched "The Secret DVD's"... or... If you've read any of Napoleon Hill's work, you probably know that gratitude is critical to your success... and your peace of mind.

Many millionaires aren't happy -- yet there are millions of people who seemingly have nothing that are content. What's the difference?

"A Gratitude Attitude"

It's this attitude you need to master, to bring lasting peace and mental security to your life. There's just one problem, most can't hold this mental state and the necessary focus to achieve it as a lasting habit pattern.

 Well now you can!

This part of The Quantum Mind Power System was designed for you to achieve just that. The tones focus your mind to the perfect state -- perfect for inducing the right mental attitude for gratitude.

Plus, there's a soft recording in the background of Morry's voice reminding you of all the things you need to be grateful for. This is paramount to your success.

Just lay back, relax and let this recording do all the work for you!

This recording is in mp3 format, you will get instant download in less than 5 minutes.

Click Here To Get The Whole Brain Gratitude Meditation for $47 Only!

Emotive Brain Wave Hypnosis
(Normal Price: $147)
7 Secrets to Happiness Customer Special: $47

Here's an amazing fact most people don't know anything about:

75% of you mind is subconscious -- 25% is conscious.

How does this affect your present life and success? Let me explain:  

In order for you to master any emotional state, or eliminate negative thinking patterns--the patterns that hold you back from your success--you need to "reprogram" your subconscious mind.

It can be done--but it's not easy...at least by yourself. What you need to do is apply a constant bombardment of new ideas (brainwaves) to eliminate and replace these old repeating negative patterns.

This is where it gets difficult. It's known that autosuggestion is effective for adding new "healthy" thought patterns... and eliminating old negative though patterns--but few people have the self-discipline to accomplish this process for any length of time.

Social scientists know it takes 21 days to form new habits and break old ones. It's this minimum amount of time you'd need to meditate and envision these new emotional states in order for any permanent changes to occur.

But you don't have to worry about this"hard work" anymore! Now you can lay back, put on your Emotive Brain Wave Hypnosis CD and Morry's programming does it all for you!

Finally, you'll master all those "negative" emotions that have been holding you back in life--quickly and effortlessly.

This recording is in mp3 format, you will get instant download in less than 5 minutes.

Click Here To Get The Emotive Brain Wave Hypnosis recording for $47 Only!

"Get Both Recordings and Save Another $27"

Click Here To Get both The Emotive Brain Wave Hypnosis recording
and The Whole Brain Gratitude Meditation for $67 only


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